Personal productivity has a broader meaning than “just” time management. However, managing the time spent on specific projects is an important component of personal productivity. There are many pieces to the puzzle including: mental control, decision making, delegation, process management, etc. That said, personal productivity is all about getting more done within the same time and resources so you can live a more balanced life.

As a professional organizer / efficiency trainer I help my clients, both business and residential, get more done with the same time investment.

I help them better organize their :

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  1. Electronic Information = Mostly email and digital documents with logical processing, storage, and easy retrieval.
  2. Paper Systems= Including the 5 main paper types
  3. Objects = Best operating systems for improved workflow.
  4. Actions for Improved Time Management = project-management, task-management, etc.

Download and use either of the forms below that you feel will be helpful in increasing your personal productivity:

Mind Map for personal productivity

Personal productivity and task management

Personal ProductivityIf you asked several people what personal productivity meant to them, you might receive a different definition from each. One individual might say personal productivity is getting more stuff finished in a timely manner. One might tell you that personal productivity is setting goals and meeting those goals. I suggest to you that personal productivity is completing the actions at work and at home that move you closer to accomplishing your goals in a way that brings balance and ease into your life. Balance and ease…AND increased personal productivity!  If you need help, contact us.  We’ve helped hundreds of clients reach their goal of greater balance and ease.



3 Responses to “Increase your Personal Productivity”

  1. Moncler Jack Says:

    Tips for productivity often are focused on the workplace only. I appreciate that you included some information that relates to my life outside my job. Your free life balance worksheet and family manger binder kit (I’m ordering this today!) look especially helpful.

  2. Gonzalo Aguilar Says:

    Greetings! Balance and greater ease are certainly something I need more of in my life. Good information here. Thank you.

  3. Frank Says:

    Good information. Your 4 paper systems link will be very helpful to me.

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