Organizing garden tools storage with Vicki Winterton’sgarden tool storage wall unit 4M formula:

  1. Minimize garden storage needs by getting rid of the items you no longer need or use. No matter the cost, an item is only as good as its condition. Items in disrepair need to be fixed-up or tossed out. Those you no longer use are of little value to you.
  2. Measure garden storage needs by inventorying your items THEN decide on the spaces where they will be stored. Make a list of what you have and what you need.
  3. Maximize the garden storage space by categorizing your tools and supplies into general categories THEN contain them. The size and quantity of your items determines how much storage space you will need to organize them properly.  Consider these three factors when containing:
  • Consider safety issues
  • Make frequently used items more accessible
  • Divide your tools into 2 categories a) portable b) stationary

4. Maintain your organized garden storage spaces by labeling each categorized container AND tracking who borrows your tools.