My husband and I have been married for 31 years today. When we married we thought ourselves very similar. Our marriage looked to be easy. Exactly one year after we married, we found out we were expecting our first child. Once we had children we learned how different we were. Those differences brought with them great conflict. We chose not to plan together much because we no longer saw eye to eye. It took us 15 years to figure out what worked for us and our children. We came to better understand our own wants and needs and each others wants and needs after attending some life balance sessions together. We learned that our marriage was important to us and to our family’s happiness. We learned that planning together for an ultimate goal was important.

Thirty one years together. I am thankful for a husband who allowed me to change, grow and become the person I was meant to be AND I am very grateful he was willing to change, grow and better himself. Time has been good to us. Happy Anniversary Honey. I love you!

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2 Responses to “Marriage Planning”

  1. Jane N. Ennis Says:

    Whenever I study content similar to this I actually wish to get a minute and reflect on what you have said. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Rosemary E. Welch Says:

    Fascinating! Probably one of the more useful reads in awhile. Congrats on 31 years together. Thank you for showing us marriage is work and progression forward.

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