Home Storage

Find Hidden-Storage

Most homes contain many overlooked home storage options. When I begin working with a new client I have a list of 13 places we look to find additional home storage options. You might find more storage space in your own home by considering the following locations:

  • Under beds
  • In better organized closets
  • In better organized cabinets
  • On ceiling shelves
  • On backs of doors

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Preparing for House Guests

Preparing for house guests involves more than providing a comfy place for them to sleep. It’s an opportunity to make those house guests feel welcome and guarantee their time spent with you is memorable. Why have house guests if it is not a positive and memorable experience?

Click for free printable.pngEach of the four seasons brings with it a different reason for out-of-town guests to come knocking on your door. Preparing for house guests can be much easier on you IF you organize and prepare well in advance.

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Client Progress – Kristina

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closet floor before - Kristina

BEFORE Photo – Clothes Closet Floor

Yesterday I worked with Kristina, an energetic young mother diagnosed with adult ADHD. I began working with Kristina for one half day a week. Over the past month we’ve already downsized the items she no longer uses or values in her master bedroom and master bathroom and then we organized the items in those two rooms that she felt deserved to stay. This week we tackled her master bedroom clothes closet.

Kristina had way to many clothes for her medium sized closet. With an investment of only 4 hours we did the following to her master closet:

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Utah Home Organizing Client Success Story



BANNER - Client Success 2014 (2)

BEFORE home organizing success - GarageI helped this client, Deb, organize her Draper, Utah home five years ago. Deb went through a divorce two years back and called me recently to help her organize the garage in her new home of two years nestled against the eastern hills of Salt Lake City, Utah. We worked for 2 days and whipped that messy garage into shape. We found many things that Deb no longer used or valued but was none-the-less stored in that “not yet organized” garage. Deb decided to suggest to her 21 year old daughter the she, the daughter, hold a garage sale and keep the proceeds.

AFTER photo of organized home garageTake a look at what Debbie and I did in only two afternoons.

AFTER photo of organized home garage 2AFTER photo of organized garage 3

I am so proud of Deb for realizing that all she needed was a little side-by-side help to motivate her into action. Her garage has stayed nicely organized for 3 months now. Bravo my friend!

Signature closing



Declutter Your Home Help

Utah Declutter Help 1

These are websites (organizing resources) that I have found to be loaded with helpful information so you can find easy declutter your home help. I do not claim any responsibility for their services or products.

* Web addresses that offer help *

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