The Organized Woman Show

I was interviewed on the WIN Show (The Womens Information Network) this month because I am a show co-host with The Organized Woman Show. In the interview, we talked about how my free WIN online radio show, The Organized Woman Show, can benefit listeners in their lives. We touched on systems for organizing your shoes, systems for organizing your papers, systems for organizing your time, and how to organize any portion of your life.  To watch the interview, click the title here: The Organized Woman Show with Vicki Winterton.

My show co-host, Laura, and I record and upload 8 new shows a month. Our shows talk you through the steps to plan and organize your spaces, your papers, your office, your family, your personal time, etc.

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Organize your Life

I offer you options to organize your life and bring relief to life’s obvious pitfalls! Are you tired of feeling overworked and unable to maintain control of your life? After participating in any of these options you will feel you are better able to take control of your time, spaces, family, etc.

organize your life teacher 1. Please join me as I present a quarterly Utah Valley University Small Business Development Center Workshop which focuses on helping you begin a successful business with low-cost and no-cost marketing strategies.

Now, if that is not enough, here is help #2 for organizing your life a little better.

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Change THEN Organize

change-is-the-only-constantI am an emerging and ever changing person. Ten years ago I attended a few life strategist sessions with life coach Brad Chappell and learned to change and emerge better by dealing with my anger and my need to control. I learned to move forward by analyzing and embracing this phrase, “As we progress, we rid ourselves of our shortcomings because they no longer serve us.” I am now a different person than I had been 10 years previous. I did not know how to make these necessary changes on my own, but I was willing to ask for help. Life evolves; we can accept it, direct it and change for the better or allow it to overwhelm us.

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Organized Taste Test

organized taste test

Have you ever wondered if the brand of food you are buying is really the best tasting option on the grocery store shelf? Twice a month, my wonderful brother-in-law, Richard, provides us with an organized taste test for the Winterton family as part of our extended family Sunday dinner. The taste test results are often surprising to me in that I am NOT a generic food buyer. I do LOVE to save money and am a real professional when it comes to money saving strategies, but I organized my mind years ago to believe the name brand foods were superior in quality. To see the results of some of our favorite taste tests, read on.

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Planning, Preparation and Jace!

There are some things we can plan and prepare for, but an early baby is rarely one of them.

My 2nd grandchild was born last week. He came with a few deficits. (1) He was born a month early and (2) he weighed in at only 6 pounds.

He made up for those deficits by (1) having loads of beautiful black hair, (2) lots of bruising due to being lodged in the birth canal for 5 days, and (3) an extra thumb on his right hand. (This will be removed easily and he will have a cool scar to make his birth day story believable.)

I spent last week showing my love for him, his big brother, and his parents by caring for them in their home. What a joy it was to watch this sweet family support one another and help them organize their home and do some early spring cleaning. Boy, I was shocked at how much time caring for a baby takes.

How lucky this little boy is to have so many people surrounding him that love him deeply. Happy Birth Day wonderful little Jace!

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