I speak to many people when I present workshops and they typically have one major thing in common. They are All Overwhelmed! You are visiting my website because you want to get organized, but just the thought of tackling an entire room makes you stressed and anxious. You would rather be doing anything else at that moment so you continue to make piles and ignore the chaos because it’s easier to function that way instead of actually tackling it. This feeling of overwhelm spills over to other areas of your life because the visual and mental clutter will stick with you. When people are overwhelmed they tend to waste energy. They get stuck and get busy but not productive.

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Q: How do you get rid of this feeling of overwhelm?

A: You have to start with small projects. If your entire home is disorganized you should not think about the whole home. Instead, break the project down into small pieces. Take a look at your disorganized spaces. Write down all the rooms in your home you want to tackle and then break each room down into four separate areas of concern.

Q: How long should you spend on a project?

A: Limit your project to 3 hours. Any longer than 3 hours and you will become hungry, mentally tired, stressed out, and you will lose focus. Start fresh the next day or take a break and come back to it later in the day.

Ready?  Set?  Go!

  1. Make a plan to tackle one area this week.
  2. Make this plan a priority. The work will never get done if it is not a priority.
  3. Make a mental note of how you feel when you’re done.

AFTER photo of home organizing client garageOffice Organization 3









Living in a more organized home is something we CAN control. There are so many other outside forces that cause us to feel overwhelmed and add stress to our lives. Get control of your home and let disorganization be one less thing that adds to your stress.

If you are interested in having me speak to your group, please give me a call. I’d love to talk with you. contact information for home organizing help

“When the Utah County Woman’s Advisory Council met last spring to discuss what we wanted to achieve at our fall conference we felt an important fit for our theme of Composing Your Life was organization. After researching, we felt the most qualified person was Vicki Winterton, a home organizing expert.

She delivered in every way.  Her presentation was invaluable. I noticed that the ladies in attendance were taking copious notes and Vicki’s presentation had far and away the most positive comments on our end of conference survey. Vicki really knows her stuff!!  Vicki received a 10 star rating from our group.” – Sue Curtis, President Elect and Conference chair of 2016 WAC conference

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