Are you tired of making New Year’s Resolutions that by the end of January have become another failed attempt at improved self-image or moral? Each resolution you set represents a longing of the heart, a personal stretch toward better health, more happiness, or increased wisdom. THIS YEAR  try a new approach. By working on one resolution or goal at a time and following my few simple steps below you will find success in making and keeping your New Year’s Resolutions.

To Begin

Make a list or a photo board of your successes this past year. Don’t be modest! Make sure you note the learning and the progression that happened.


Begin the process of defining your new goals by setting up major goals broken into smaller goal steps:

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  1. Personalize your goals. Make them specific to you. Use the words “I” and “me” often. Realize you need to focus in on YOU in this step.
  2. Write as if you had already accomplished the goal.  Use such terms as “I have”, “I see”, “I feel”, etc.
  3. Adjectivize (my own word) the benefits. Use lots of descriptive words to explain the benefits of achieving your goals and resolutions. Words such as: calming, peaceful, energized, terrific, etc.
  4. Calendar and schedule with (a) beginning, (b) progression, and (c) completion dates.

Reward yourself with prizes or recognition of achievement not only when you complete your set goal, but also each day you actively work toward your desired resolution.

Complete THEN Repeat. When you have completed your first New Year’s Resolution, begin on goal #2. However grand the change we hope for, the vehicle for change is small, simple, daily steps that move us forward. It is the step by step changes each day and week that transport a new goal or resolution to completion. Change is ALWAYS hard for us to make. Be sure you  don’t overwhelm yourself by working on too many goals at once.

If you would like to receive my New Year’s Resolutions/New Goals Template, please leave a comment on this post and share with us what YOUR top three New Years Resolutions are this year. Include in the 1st line what I promised you, and then share with us your 3 goals. We love to hear from you!

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